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World Health Day - 7 April 2017

Updated: Sep 20, 2024

Depression: let’s talk

Begining on the 7th April 2017 – WHO is leading a one-year global campaign on depression. The highlight is World Health Day 2017, celebrated today. The goal of the campaign is that more people with depression, everywhere in the world, both seek and get help.

Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. More than 300 million people are now living with depression, an increase of more than 18% between 2005 and 2015.

WIN joined forces with Wardha Civil Hospital to host a program on Depression.

The slogan “Let’s Talk” is very pertinent to depression in Indian women. In the West we can take for granted the multitude of outlets available to assist anyone with depression: the Samaritans being one that comes to mind. For the majority of Indian’s, especially women, there are very few facilities.

World Health Day

Indian women are conditioned to silently tolerate problems and to keep the family image intact at all costs. If for example a woman experiences domestic violence by her husband or in laws, or sexual abuse by another male member of the extended family, the woman will often remain silent. It’s not surprising therefore that depression can be a common experience for Indian women; especially those living below the poverty line.

The program provided local women with information on where they can access support for depression. Social workers at WIN’s base in Wardha are trained in counselling and are available for those who need a confidential space in which they can voice worries and receive help. WIN liaises with the local police who are very cooperative in helping the charity. They have a dedicated women’s section that deals with domestic violence and other issues specifically affecting women. WIN also liaises with Dr Suryawanshi who is a psychiatrist at Wardha’s Civil Hospital. For women requiring medical intervention for depression, WIN can help them to access the right professional support.

Speakers at our event

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