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World Leprosy Day - WIN continues to address the stigma associated with this age old disease.

Updated: Jul 2, 2024

WIN's doctor Ashwini Kawle attends to elderly leprosy patients

The theme of this year's World Leprosy Day is – Beat Leprosy. This theme is chosen to beat the stigma associated with the disease, as well as create awareness about it. "The aim of observing the World Leprosy Day is to create awareness against the stigma attached to the disease, by making the general community aware that it is a disease spread by a type of bacteria and it can be easily cured," wrote World Health Organisation on their official website.

WIN's origins lie in leprosy survey, education and treatment. Over the last 2 decades our exclusive rehabilitation programme has addressed the physical, psychological and socio-economic problems resulting from leprosy. We have repaired homes, delivered meals to those with deformity caused by nerve damage. We have given dignity and hope to those living in isolation though our ulcer management service, and combated loneliness with our many social events.

Whilst the prevalence of deformity has significantly reduced over the last 2 decades, the stigma remains. WIN continues to address this through detection and awareness programmes and supports women newly diagnosed with Leprosy.

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