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Updated: Sep 20, 2024

WIN is taking part in various programs over the next 3 days to highlight International Women’s Day. Having worked for underprivileged women over the last 16 years, the charity needs your support more than ever.

Despite economic developments in India, crimes against women have more than doubled over the last ten years according to the latest data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). It is also reported that 848 Indian women are harassed, raped and killed every day; that’s based on reported incidences but so may are unreported.

A woman’s health is considered the least important, yet incidences of breast and cervical cancer are on the rise. Mental health issues remain taboo and the number of mentally ill women living on the streets continues to be an enormous, unaccounted for and largely ignored problem.

The good news is that WIN is making a difference. We have helped to restore dignity and hope to thousands of women. Our health awareness campaigns are spreading further and wider and we are inspiring government departments to join us.

Thanks to all of you who support our work. Let’s make 2016 our most successful year.

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