1 year ago Sewanat and her children were living on the streets
HIV and TB+ Sewanta and her children spent 1 year living on the streets, surviving on waste food.
Following the death of her husband from AIDS, her in laws asked them to leave the matrimonial home. With nowhere to go, they moved from one place to the other, looking for a safe corner and food.
Sewanta’s eldest daughter at the age of 16 yrs was vulnerable to being sexually exploited. Her youngest child was just a few months old, and her middle daughter was also infected with HIV and TB.
You might find it remarkable that such a clearly needy family were unable to access help, and until the charity found them, had nowhere to go to receive support.
A year on Sewanta and her family are much healthier and happier. They live in a rented home, which was initially funded by the charity, until she was well enough to find work. Sewanta and her middle child are now TB negative and their HIV status is being monitored by the charity and the local authority.
With the right guidance and support lives can be transformed.
Today they are enjoying a better quality of life