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Happy New Year from Women In Need

Updated: Jul 2

ONCE again, so many people have donated their time, money and interest to Women In Need throughout 2010. We are truly grateful for the continued support of our organisation, helping to rebuild the lives of so many forgotten women.

Women In Need would like to thank the loyalty of all donors, particularly in such financially insecure times. Here are just a few of the many contributions made to WIN this year:

The Sisters at the Centre for Prayer and Mission, Seaham, are wonderful in their support of Leah and Usha, particularly Sister Michael, who was attached to Saint Anne's School in Wolsingham, where Leah attended as a young girl. The Sisters continue to raise considerable funds for the work in India and have spread the word to other groups, such as the Penshaw Ladies group.

The Soroptimist of Richmond, Yorkshire, in conjunction with WIN Secretary, Susan Weston, hosted a rally in the summer, where Leah and Usha made a presentation. The function proved very successful in raising awareness and much needed funds.

Chair of Women In Need, Carol Graham, in her role as teacher at Durham Trinity Special Needs School, has once again been instrumental in raising funds. The youngsters in her care learn about the lives of people in the wider world and enthusiastically raised funds for Leah and Usha's work by the cooking and selling of bacon butties and strawberry cream teas.

Thank you all so much and a very Happy New Year from all our ladies!

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