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Leprosy Wards Inaugurated

THE INAUGURATION of three refurbished leprosy wards will take place at Dattapur leprosy colony on 15 November.

As reported, Women In Need has established new premises at Dattapur by renting a number of vacant buildings.

Due to the poor conditions of the hospital wards at Dattapur, WIN has agreed to collaborate with Maharogi Sewa Samiti to repair and refurbish three wards: two female and one male (the female wards will be financed by WIN).

The majority of in-patients are elderly and infirm, and a significant number require specialised care, from incontinence to pressure ulcers. Basic facilities such as bedpans, commodes, walking frames, dressing forceps and sterilisation equipment, are lacking. We will also provide new mattresses and bedding.

Mr Tony Smith from the UK will attend the inauguration. Mr Smith worked as a VSO volunteer at Dattapur in the late 1960s and was responsible for connecting Leah Pattison with Dattapur in 1995.


Dattapur colony's leprosy wards in poor condition. WIN is assisting in their revitalisation

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