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WIN provides food to penniless labour workers

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

Nagpur is a burgeoning city with a large migrant population living in settlements on the peripheries of the city. Most of the migrants’ hail from the neighbouring state of Madhya Pradesh and travelled to Nagpur to earn meagre daily wages in the construction industry.

With just 4 hours notice given prior to the firmly implemented lock down, these migrant communities are now suffering from a shortage of food.

The Indian government recently announced extra rations of wheat and rice under the Coronavirus relief package, however only those with a BOCW (Building & Other Construction Workers card qualify for such rations. Over 90% of those we interviewed do not have a BOCW card and therefore will not get rations.

Having already provided health care in the past to women and children in these communities, we are now providing food to ease the growing misery experienced by India's poorest.

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