Cervical cancer afflicts half a million women across the world every year, but it is more deadly in India. For many Indian women seeing a doctor is the last resort and an unaffordable luxury. That is why Women In Need is stepping up its initiatives to provide free screening to as many women as possible.
In recognition of International Cancer Awareness Day, Women in Need conducted cervical PAP smear screening at the charity’s shelter in Wardha; which is situated in a rural setting.
Though it can be challenging to motivate women to be screened the effort is well worth it. WIN’s social workers travelled around the local villages in Wardha to promote the importance of screening and to offer free transport to women unable to afford the cost of the journey. Today with the support of doctors and nurses from Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science, 65 women had their PAP smears taken. These will be processed at Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science and the results will be passed on to Women in Need. Any women with abnormalities will be supported by the charity.

WIN’s Indian President Mr S Harle welcoming doctors from Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science

Village women registering their names for screening

WIN’s social workers Padmashwary and Shalini helping with the efficiency of the program