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Rescued Animals Help Traumatised Women

AN EMACIATED street dog was rescued by Leah and Usha eight years ago and given the name Kelly.

Despite paralysis in her hind legs, Kelly has enjoyed a great quality of life by providing comfort to traumatised women, rescued from the streets of Nagpur. She and other rescued disabled dogs have the luxury of one acre of space at Women In Need’s shelter at Dattapur.

While women recover from their problems at the shelter, they help to care for the animals and are repaid with companionship and unconditional affection. In some cases, Leah and Usha have observed ladies, who are initially wary of human beings, developing an immediate bond with the dogs.

Today Kelly enjoys the freedom of mobility with the aid of a disability cart, donated by Leah’s father Derek and transported from the UK in a suitcase. Soni is another dog found on the streets in a pitiful condition with severely broken legs.

She now enjoys the company of women such as Rani, who was discovered in a state of confusion and neglect at Wardha Railway Station.

Kelly and Soni both show great intuition and sensitivity when it comes to their behaviour with each woman helped through WIN, and they are loved by all.

Photos: Kelly: found emaciated and now in good health on her wheels. Soni: in a sorry state and now bringing a smile to Rani’s face

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